I’m an intuitive mentor and an insatiable seeker of Truth. As a double certified life-coach, I have over fifteen years of experience in mentoring, energy healing, somatic work and shadow work—my personal favorite. My decades-long journey through the abyss of addiction and self-destruction has given me an intimate understanding of what it takes to do the work.
I’ve seen the transformation happen time and time again—when we face our wounds with honesty, compassion, and a radical sense of responsibility, an undeniable Truth is revealed. Beyond the counterfeit identities and personas, beyond the narratives and stories that keep us separate from Source, beyond this “False Light Matrix”, we meet the Primordial Self-—the Truth of who we really are: God, expressing in us, as us, and through us. Once you know it, it can’t be unknown.
This is what I do.
By channeling my own Higher Guidance, as well as that of my clients, I’m able to help dismantle the survival mode paradigm that keeps you stuck. You begin to see your outer world as a reflection of your inner world, which ultimately dissolves the illusion of separation, powerlessness and victimhood. At its essence, this work is an invitation into alchemy. You start allowing life to happen through you, rather than to you. You get to wake up. You get to remember. You get to be the conscious creator of your reality.
It is my honor and privilege to walk along side you, hand on your back, safe and open, every step of the way.
If you found yourself here, reading this... maybe now is your time.